Saturday, August 19, 2017

Give Up Land

Ethan Hawke or Tom Cruise in a new Mission Impossible film, number three or seven or a I thought three, Cruise said he thought environment companies were able to enforce a new USA federal law that requires American citizens to give their land rights and property and everything to corporatism or at least government in order for them to keep their land and earth and everybody environmentally safe and to fight against the fake fraud of Al Gore's alleged global warming or climate freezing or heating or climate change and it was a good thing in my dream but not in real life and I do not like it in real life and I saw some kind of preview to a new episode to a famous show like Walking Dead or something at the beginning of my dream at somebody's house on a big TV in a room by myself after a kid allowed me to go there to watch it but I don't remember any more or the rest is too fuzzy now.
Tom Cruise Environment Impossible Dream:
2017-08-20 Sunday 640 AM ICT OTC Q1 HCM VN:


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