Sunday, September 25, 2016

2016-09-26 BUSH SR TORTURE

Torture the 42nd president, George Bush Sr. I think that was him. He may have been a composite of other people too. He was a very bad man in my dream. He may have been killing and/or at least talking so bad that we end up getting him cut in a wood chipper or something to tear him up into many small pieces at the end of the dream and I do not remember other people in my dream but there may have been others and it was a factory room mostly where there is a bunch of junk like a junkyard inside a mechanics warehouse where they rebuild cars and hot rods for Jay Leno and Tim Allen and we see a man who said and/or did terrible things, but I am not sure what he did or said but had these feelings of how bad he was, and then he is killed or tortured to death at the end of my dream

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