Saturday, August 19, 2017

Give Up Land

Ethan Hawke or Tom Cruise in a new Mission Impossible film, number three or seven or a I thought three, Cruise said he thought environment companies were able to enforce a new USA federal law that requires American citizens to give their land rights and property and everything to corporatism or at least government in order for them to keep their land and earth and everybody environmentally safe and to fight against the fake fraud of Al Gore's alleged global warming or climate freezing or heating or climate change and it was a good thing in my dream but not in real life and I do not like it in real life and I saw some kind of preview to a new episode to a famous show like Walking Dead or something at the beginning of my dream at somebody's house on a big TV in a room by myself after a kid allowed me to go there to watch it but I don't remember any more or the rest is too fuzzy now.
Tom Cruise Environment Impossible Dream:
2017-08-20 Sunday 640 AM ICT OTC Q1 HCM VN:


Saturday, August 12, 2017

2017-08-13 Sunday 735AM OTC Criminal Minds Joey

I was the husband of the blond girl team member on Criminal Minds and she was having a baby in my dream and I moved from Oregon or something where we lived to New York and or England or somewhere in Europe like that other girl did in the show.
I was like training and or working and maybe at a school. I was in cafeteria and gym of both WOLBI NY and ABC at the same time and I was sleeping in a room near the gym which was at ABC and WOLBI NY at the same time and it was mostly ABC and I was talking to my wife on the phone as she was preparing to sometimes go to work while changing her clothes right before hanging up with me and the last time she was on the phone with me she went to live with me and then I awoke and I do nt remember other people. Just me and her and I was sometimes that man and sometimes I was me, JoeyArnoldVN Oatmeal. I was playing basketball too a bit and I was going to look around and visit my old school where I lived and worked and everything and my wife was talking to me on the phone and was coming too. I shot a couple of shots with the basketball while waking up or when I first came and moved there and I was going to visit and take a tour of this new and or old place which was and was not the schools where I did attend in real life and it was also other places at the same time or at different times as I was that one man and or me at the same time and or at different times too.
2017-07-13 Sunday 735AM OTC Q1 HCM VN:

Friday, August 4, 2017


This Saturday morning, a few minutes ago, awoke from my first ever Trump dream where I rode on a motor bike with Trump through small alleys (HEM) and other roads through Saigon, Vietnam.

Trump took me, JOEYARNOLDVN, the Oregon Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold, on a motorcycle motor bike, and we drove around and we were maybe running away from everybody or someone or something and maybe kind of not at the same time. It felt like we were kind of maybe doing a few things at the same time or that our purpose or purposes evolved or was unknown to me at the beginning.

I was listening to the Alex Jones show on YouTube while I was sleeping and it was Friday Day show from the day before which was and is actually still my time since Saigon is eleven hours ahead of EST or NYC time and I was listening through my one working ear phone.

Trump took me to a cafe diner or restaurant like the one I used to go to daily in Tan Phu in 2013 and he said something like what Tokyo Rose said to American soldiers in Japan when they were there around maybe 1945 for World War II and Trump said to me to feel my stomach and to enjoy the food he bought me for that lunch because there is a war coming and I was not ready for it and I was not happy about it at that time.

I thought about Trump and about the wars we may have to fight and continue to fight and I was thinking about what I want to say and what I would say to Trump as he drove me around on a bike before and after our lunch together and I thought about it during lunch too and I was a bit scared as I thought about war and everything and I do not want to starve to death and Trump said I should enjoy the food now while I still can because the war will only accelerate and get worse in the future and I awoke not too long after that I think.



Thursday, August 3, 2017

2017-08-04 Friday 650 AM ICT OTC: Saved Boy From Suicide At WOLBI NY Ranch Camp

In this new dream I awoke from a second ago, had me at my former WOLBI NY Ranch camp in New York where I was from 2004 to 2006 back 13 to 11 years ago as it is 2017 right now.

In the dream, I went to my old cabin and stopped a hillbilly boy man from shooting himself in the mouth or something like that. He had either a shot gun or riffle or something in the middle and I went into the cabin and saw him immediately went to wrestle the gun away from him without thinking about it and without waiting. I talked to him kind of after that. Before I went in to save him, I was like at WOLBI NY which was either the college or the camp or maybe both or maybe other things too all at the same time or maybe not. It is hard to explain where you are in dreams.

I was there and the layout was maybe the same and maybe different and there was my cabin or house at WOLBI and there was a barn house outside and this kind of reminds me of Kuratli which was my camp from 2007 to 2008.

I was either talking and or going to talk to people I knew there and maybe new people too and maybe go to work there or something gorever and maybe I saw that people talked about suicide and about how we need to save people from suicide or something and then I went on to do that and maybe other things happened too in my dream.